Monday, August 01, 2005

And here we are, Monday

Which means I didn't up and forget this whole deal over the weekend!

I so wish I wasn't here today. There are a million other things I'd rather be doing. Like working the horses. Or cleaning the garage. Or working on the Olds. Or playing with leather working stuff. Hell, what I'd really like to do is go for a drive. get in the Olds (pretending I got the starter swapped out and the drum turned and gas was plentiful and cheap) and just drive. Drive to the east side of the state. Drive to where I can see something. Drive somewhere I haven't driven before.

I don't think there's any job that totally fulfills a person. I mean, I like the job I have now, but is it fullfilling? Not really. But if I were to do any of my hobbies for a living I'd probably feel the same. I think in the end we all want to feel like we've made a difference or did something worth remembering. What I do is definitely not memorable. I've even been told by the missus I contribute nothing of value to society.

So does that mean I'm going to start volunteering to feeding children or reading to old people or something. Hell no. That's not what I want to do. but I don't know what I want to do.

Right now I just want to sleep.


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