Tuesday, October 11, 2005

In the Meantime

Maybe it's my age or what I do, but I'm starting to get to know more and more people who have said the hell with it and scrapped. Whether they've already done it or are getting ready to, just know I admire the hell out of you for doing it. It's that kind of courage I wish I posessed.

Me though? I'll probably always just move from job to job, sticking around long enough to learn something and apply it to the next place I go. But to a certain degree I'm getting tired of the constant hunt. Yeah, it's exciting to look at the want ads and see opportunities galore and imagine how much it'll change my life. That's the problem I guess. I'm hoping a new job will change my life for the better instead of relying upon myself to actually make the change. I'll never go out on my own because I'm either too afraid to stick my ass out there and fail or I'm too comfortable with things like health insurance and simplified taxes. I've been self-employed and those things suck. Maybe next time, if there is one, I'll make sure I'm truly self-employed and take some of the benefits and not all the burdens.

In the meantime, I'll be rooting for you ballsy few that know you can't stand working for other people and take the time, energy and strength to go out on your own. You all deserve all the success you get for pushing past all the failures you might encounter.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

thank you.

but UG i don't want to think about taxes.

you might see annex with a new loan and a job or something when i go find an accountant.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

ah hell, I bet you do alright. just make sure you write off every damn thing you can find! ;)

make sure you claim the cat as dependent.


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