Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fuck You Both, MSN & WalMart

I know business is business. And I have no beef with advertising. To a certain degree I'm in the biz.

However, for some reason I found it rather disgusting when reading about the death toll from Katrina expected to reach the hundreds, a fucking Wal Mart ad popped up in the way of the article. How fucking tacky.

I realize the reach of that article is going to be a whole shitload, but c'mon guys. Have some class. It's bad enough that tacky little hippy looking thing talking about low mortgage rates is implanted in all the articles, but having a baby sitting on the beach with a big smile on his face just takes it to a higher level of ginch. And I don't mean that in a good way.

May the families who've lost homes, jobs and loved ones be consoled.


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