Wednesday, August 17, 2005

God Bless Rob Zombie

For a present the missus bought what basically equates to the Rob Zombie greatest hits collection. It's pretty sweet; not only do you get a CD with 20 some kick ass tunes but also a DVD with some videos of some of his greatest. It's fucking fantastic.

Anyways, listening to the tracks, something occured to me: Rob Zombie is the only one still carrying on the ethos of kustom kulture from the '60's in his music. Well, at least 60's hot rod kulture. The kind of music that'd probably bring a smile to the face of Big Daddy Roth, may he rest in peace.

Instead of singing wussy-ass songs about some girl or being politically correct or just being a general dumbass, Mr. Zombie gives us leaded, balls out songs about cars, haulin' ass and scary stuff. Black Sunshine, Two Lane Blacktop, Dragula, Super Charger Heaven, Demon Speeding- and even the songs that aren't about hot-rodding seem to have a full tilt, revved-up feel to them.

So, instead of listening to same old bullshit on the radio, do yourself a favor and buy every fucking CD you can find from Rob Zombie and support one of the few people who might actually know who the hell Von Dutch was.


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