Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Proof that Scientists are just College-Educated Idiots

Or at least the scientists from Cornell are pretty dumb. Apparently they have this 'great' idea to take a bunch of African animals and dump them off on the American prairie to make it like it was 10,000 to 1.8 million years ago.


According to an article about their stupid ass plan, to "revitalize ecosystems that have been compromised by the extinction of many of the continent's large mammals, many of them predators. It would also offer ecotourism and land-management jobs to help the struggling economies in rural areas of the Great Plains and Southwest."

What these areas don't need are tourist economies- especially from animals that will be competing with native species. Tourist economies don't offer especially high paying jobs and these animals will be eating the food needed by native deer, elk, antelope, wolves, cougars, etc.- or eating them. There's enough trouble trying to re-introduce wolves to areas they once roamed. Adding African wildlife just seems even more ridiculous. It's like they were sitting around, stoned, thinking of all these wild pipe dreams and this one stuck. It has to be some sort of frat-boyesque dare or something.

If Ted Turner wants to do that on his own ranches, that's fine. It's his land and he can do whatever the hell he wants. But keep your damn African wildlife either in Africa or on your fucking ranch. There are too many environmental, as well as regulatory, issues that would come up to even make this seem like a good idea. Stupid big-brained stoners.


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