Thursday, September 08, 2005

On Stealing and Looting

Seeing the images of people stealing stuff after Katrina hit in New Orleans brought a lesson I heard over and over again while growing: if you're going to steal, steal big.

I think there's more to it than just stealing big. Those guys hauling off TVs and DVD players and crap might have had the right idea, but I think perhaps there's something else to consider when looting: if you're going to steal, steal smart.

What the hell good is packing a big screen TV going to do when your fucking home is washed away? None. And if you pack it off with you, aren't you going to look a little guilty when the rescue crew comes to pick you up and you have 20 pairs of Levi's still on the hangar under your arm? Of course you are. Stealing electronics during a time like this is just flat out stupid. If you insist on stealing shit, at least make sure it's either easily portable and concealable or something useful.

Like what you might ask? Jewelry is pretty portable and can be stashed under clothing, up buttholes, in bellies and stuff like that. Plus the value is higher and it won't be ruined by water. In situations where chaos ensues, guns and ammunition are excellent items to rip off. Not only are they good for bartering, they make it so you can steal stolen property from other thieves and innocent people as well protect all of your stolen property.

With major flooding going on, life jackets and a rubber raft might come in handy. Same with blankets and warm clothes. Things that you can use to keep yourself alive are just smart to steal. Honestly, how far you going to be able to float on boombox or a big screen TV?


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