Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Whole Herd of Oregon Barney Fifes?

"Huh?" you ask.

Well, Oregon is sending in a ton of National Guard men and women, many fresh from Iraq and other places around the world. One guardsman I know the girlfriend of just returned in March, was getting ready for classes when he was called up again.

But that's part of the deal when you join the Guard. You can be sent out at anytime, regardless of what kind of sense it makes.

What makes no sense to me is the assertion that the members of the Oregon National Guard that are being sent to New Orleans are taking guns, but no bullets. Granted, this story is from a news talk station that isn't a big fan of Oregon's governor. But assuming it is true, what kind of sense does it make? Why not tell them to just leave their weapons at the armory if they aren't going to be able to use them against the armed thugs and looters? It's kind of like a mother with a paddle telling her 5 year old if he doesn't straighten up she's going to redden his little backside and then never using it. Only in this instance she still can use her weapon of force. These Guards are going to be called on their shit and then have no recourse.

Look, if you're going to send people in with guns, give them ammo. If not, have them leave the guns home and stick to sandbagging and search. It just makes certain people bigger targets than they have to be.


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