Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lunches with Mr. Bill

If there's ever any reason to keep in touch with old co-workers after you quit a job, it's because you get to hear all the gossip and all the bullshit of what's going on and count your blessings you're not in that hell-hole anymore doing the shitty job for the shitty wages you were before.

It's funny how much crap someone will put up with at a place. The old guys I understand; they've put in X amount of years at the dealership, are close to retiring and really don't feel like starting over plus it's hard to get a job when you're old (no such thing as age-discrimination my ass!)

But the others, I don't understand. Some of the most brilliant people to have never finished high school work there. Some of the hardest workers with ambition and drive continue to throw in their lot at that place even though they hate it. I guess keeping the tiller in the same current is better than trying to find a different one.


At 7:05 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

Could be too, that they're in a "safe zone." Brilliant as they may be, they may also fear change.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

aye, I can understand that- it's the story of my life. But at the same time that safe zone is suffocating them. =(

At 12:30 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Totally agree with cantellya,

they're afraid of change or don't think change is good for them.


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