Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Okay, Really

I don't what it is, but this year I've been sicker than shit. Like almost every week since mid-November. And now the missus is worried that I haven't been my old self lately.

Maybe I haven't. I haven't noticed, to be honest.

Yeah, I'm tired all the time and the laugh comes slower. I haven't been down, but I haven't been up either. It just seems like everytime I think a fight is over there's some other prick standing in line. If it isn't the fucking government (local this time) it's some other son of a bitch waiting to fuck you over or get away with whatever they can. And all I can say is listen up motherfuckers. This shit is gonna' come to an end.

But she is right about some things. Last week I got sicker than shit again. And no I don't really care for two of the three beverages I enjoy regularly - beer and coffee. I do enjoy gin, but not regularly.

Perhaps it's just the way of living in a constant run and stop that's getting to me. Maybe I am down. Or maybe I need to just take a long rest somewhere where no one can find me. Perhaps it's just paranoia taking its toll. Always looking over your shoulder will give you a sore neck, you know. And just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're wrong.

So I guess, for now, I'll keep the reins slack and keep moving forward. After all, there's always tomorrow and if it's fucked the day after that.


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