Wednesday, November 29, 2006

10 Observations of Atlanta/Georgia After Being Here for Five Hours

There are a lot of places to eat waffles.

The streets could be marked a little better.

The beer selection is better than Illinois, but not as good as my beloved Oregon.

The Mexican radio station is muy bien!

It's slicker than shit when it rains.

No toll roads are a damn good thing (you payin' attention, Illinois and Indiana?).

Though ATL is home of Cartoon Network, it doesn't come in worth a shit in my hotel room.

Did I see a snowflake flag while zooming around lost? Just seems odd in a place that isn't known for snowmobiling and skiing. But what the hell do I know? I've only been here for five hours!

No offense, O'Hare is a nicer airport. But I like it better than Newark!

Hey! There are fewer Starbucks here than in Seattle and NYC! Hooray!


At 11:38 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

LOL - cartoon network.

I've been in the ATL airport three times now and I'm "over" it. (I don't remember ever falling in love with it, I was just sayin'.)

Streets can be marked better everywhere. Texas was SHIT with that. And I thought MN had it down. Well, I got lost going to a friend's house the other night. No street signs.


Have a great trip home!

At 6:42 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

When I'm fucking governer, I'm gonna' put prisoners to work on cleaning up blackberries and thistles and marking the fucking state better.

The RHS in 2010!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

And thanks for the wishes for a safe trip home, dont. There were times on the way here I wasn't so sure I was going to make it! Or at least not without puking on the lady who needed to recline her fucking seat all the way from SF to ATL (thanks, United. Assholes.)

At 7:25 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

You know you're really not in a hip part of town when the billboards start coming in Spanish too.

A word of advice: If you ever end up someplace marked Dekalb, you are NOT in a good section of town. Dekalb street, Dekalb mall, south Dekalb, etc. If you see that word, it's best to turn around before you get "Cracker Jacked."

Hey it's not even a comparison to Newark- give us some credit!

The snowflake flags are a holiday thing- we never see snow so they decorate with snowflakes so we can imagine what it would look like.

At 12:05 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Jamie, have you ever played in snow? And if so, long enough to wonder if you still had 10 toes? Just curious.


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