Thursday, November 30, 2006

24 Hours in ATL

Well, maybe it's been more like 26 or even 27, but who's counting?

Had a good meeting with our clients. I even upsold something, and I'm not a damn salesman! And I saw a revolving door try to eat a security guard.

Anyways, I bucked up and went to the Gladys Knight Chicken and Waffle house. Gotta' be completely honest - it was pretty damn good! I order the chicken waffle (was chicken and red onions and peppers in a waffle, sounded interesting) but instead ended up with a chicken omlet. The waiter offered to get me the waffle, but he was looking all nervous and junk and I had a feeling between my first waiter's height, my inability to annunciate worth a shit and the fact I have constant ringing in my ears with it filled with snot (still) and may not have heard him right when he double checked the order, I figured, what the hell, go with it. And I'm glad I did. The omlet part was only okay. But the chicken and onions and peppers inside? Fucking fantastic! BTW, jamie, there were finely-dressed people in suits. I was in an old Carhart jacket and my swassest t-shirt (yeah, like Sir Mix-A-Lot swass!) and looked like an under-dressed honkey. Oh well. I am what I am. Since I was being brave and going with omlets (I'm really not a big fan, but damn the chicken in it was sooooooooo delicious!) when the waiter asked me if I wanted dessert, I said sure. Between the monster Cokes and the omlet, I was pretty damn full, but figured what the hell. So I asked him what he recommended. He smiled and said the sweet potato cheesecake. And it was also delicious! A little salty (not gross, but still), but it was damn good! So would I recommend this place? Hell yeah. Plus one of the hostesses was from Oregon. She had no idea where I was from, but I knew where she was from. I'll be back. But it wasn't the place I was expecting. And I wish I had another clean button-up shirt to wear there. Next time I'll know.

Outside the place I ended up talking to this Puerto Rican guy who was pretty nice. A hustler? Perhaps. He seemed like a decent guy and I ended up bullshitting with him for 20 minutes or so. And I gave him some cash. But he might of saved my white ass from getting "cracker-jacked" (that term cracks me up!). Anyways, turns out he's quasi-homeless or something and had/has a ministry and God told him to come to Atlanta. So he did. Now here's the crazy part. He's doing a helluva' good job being the pious guy (which is why I suspect he's half hustler) and talking about God and ministry and stuff, he asks me if I'm looking for the strip clubs. And which one to go to if I want a lap dance. Now this is a church I could get into! But I'm not the biggest fans of strip clubs (perhaps I'll post about that some other time) so I said thanks but no thanks. But still! That shit cracked me up! After visiting with him, and he warning me where not to go, and me being an out of towner and not knowing where to go, I decided I'd better just head back to the hotel.

The funny thing is that I saw the news last night. Shit does not sound good. But it's so hard to believe because everyone here is so nice. Everyone. Maybe it's because I have dopey-ass out of towner tattooed on my forehead. I dunno. At any rate, I like your town, Jamie. Good people here. And I think next time I'll try finding Cartoon Network and go to the History Center. And to Gladys Knight's Chicken and Waffles place.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

You act like you've never had a Puerto Rican hustler ask for money for his Church of God and then proceed to direct you to the paid pussy before.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

This is, by the way, Jamie's Cubicle Neighbor:

Oh, sweetie. You're so precious. Not from a big city, are ya?
Please, for your own sake, take your beginner's luck and run. Next time, say "No," don't make eye contact, and get in your damn car ASAP. Don't look nervous, though, attitude is everything, and fear can be fatal. Not to scare you or anything.

Ministry? Seriously?

Let me clarify: I'm not saying you're a dumbass. Just naive. I was once a small-town gal from South Carolina - then I moved to New Jersey.

Don't go to New Jersey anytime soon. Or, ask me before you do.

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

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At 2:05 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

BTW- you should have fit in looking like Sir Mix-A-Lot.

When he was talking about the strip clubs, did he say anything about the Claimont Lounge? Just trying to see how accurate his recommendations were...

And my cubicle neighbor can't stop shaking her head and saying, "Oh Sweetie."

At 12:10 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...


Cubicle neighbor... you're so concerned!

Red, your experience is much different than mine. For me in ATL: Everyone aside from the caberet girls at Alley Cats had the same big-town-rude-esque attitude that we like to share here in Mpls.

What you're descibing reminds me of Jukebox's and my dinner at IHOP in Galveston, TX!


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