Monday, December 18, 2006

What, Me a Dumbass? I Feel I Need to Clarify . . . . .

Okay, if you've read this lately you know I went to Atlanta. Whoopee. And with any luck, you may have read this comment:

" This is, by the way, Jamie's Cubicle Neighbor:

Oh, sweetie. You're so precious. Not from a big city, are ya?
Please, for your own sake, take your beginner's luck and run. Next time, say "No," don't make eye contact, and get in your damn car ASAP. Don't look nervous, though, attitude is everything, and fear can be fatal. Not to scare you or anything.

Ministry? Seriously?

Let me clarify: I'm not saying you're a dumbass. Just naive. I was once a small-town gal from South Carolina - then I moved to New Jersey.

Don't go to New Jersey anytime soon. Or, ask me before you do."

Okay, so now you know I don't know cities. But is Atlanta really that bad? Or am I just that naive?

And after circling Newark for 45 minutes and looking down on New Jersey, I so wanted to go see it. But maybe I'd just better be glad to not have had my ass handed to me. Or I look like such an incredible badass people don't want to fuck with me.

To think, for a little while I felt like Anthony Bourdain. A shorter, fatter version. And with a Carhart jacket instead of a leather one.


At 9:09 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Hi there, Jamie's Cubicle Neighbor again.

Atlanta can be that bad. There are swaths of urban ATL that strongly resemble urban NJ.

Speaking of which, not all of NJ is that bad; I know I made it sound like a DMZ, but a lot of it is ok. It's just that if you're in any major urban area, there will be people who specifically look for unsuspecting folk.

Maybe (likely) the particular guy you encountered here just wanted someone who would listen to him, and since you exhibited genuine interest (this being your first encounter with street "ministry"), all was well.

My uncle came from small-town rural CA, and has carried with him that inborn naivite, from the peace corps in Africa to taxi driving in NY City, and many many other adventures. Mind you, he's 6'4" and built like a wall, so that may have something to do with it, too, but nonetheless, he has consistently demonstrated that a genuine interest in others will, in fact, take you very far. It's something I tend to forget, what with being all jaded and cynical and physically unassuming. And female.

And culinary adventures are ALWAYS worthwhile, Mr. RHS Bourdain. :-D

At 11:29 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I'd say the same thing goes for Mpls. Too many gangs. You don't know what's next. Fucking people. A guy just got shot driving on the Hwy - IN THE HEAD.

I drove past the accident scene where he drove off the cloverleaf exit and found out what happened the next day.

My biggest fear! I don't know if the victim was gang related though.

Just travel during the daylight and/or in packs.


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