Friday, September 01, 2006

The End Is Nigh . . . .

or is it? We won't know until we actually have money in hand. Meanwhile I've decided to make the hard decision - to give up the Revelator (aka the Monster Zero aka the Jinx aka the Olds). And the old GMC. The missus said I could take the proceeds from both sales and buy something else. So now I'm eye-balling an old Ford pickup with a flathead 8 under the hood or getting a late 40's or early 50's coupe. Yeah, I'm dreaming. But right now that's all I've got.

I cannnot wait to get moved in. I'm so sick and fucking tired of living like this. This whole in-between land. It gets old. Everything is constantly shifting and there are people you have to depend on that you don't trust. Just know this - you can be honest with someone, and while they might act earnest, it's not the same as honest.

But I have learned a lot of lessons this summer. I'll have to get into more of those at another time. However, there's one that I know too well now - only do what's best for you and your kin. Fuck everyone else.


At 2:17 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I'm interested to hear about your lessons learned. Of course b/c then I may learn from them also.

Who knows if I would have wound up in jail a couple of times in my younger years, lest my older brother had not been there to show me what that life is like.

I still ran amuck, I just didn't go too far.

Fuck everyone else! Sometimes I care about 'em, sometimes I'm rude, and sometimes I just don't care.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

I myself will be glad when I'm not moving around all the time.

In the last three years I've lived in Arizona, West Virginia and now Florida.


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