Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Right Now . . . . .

I wish I were drinking a beer. Or at least had a nice beer buzz.

I wish I had a smoke. For some reason a cigarette sounds good. Maybe it's because the rain is killing the snow.

I wish I had gotten regular coffee instead of the super sweet fake-ass crappacino mucka bullshit I got.

I could go for a V8 as well.

I wish the fucking VPN worked with my satellite broadband. If it did I wouldn't be sitting here babysitting a fucking report.

I wish I had brought a sketch pad and some pencils.

I wonder where the Sunflower is and if she's happy. I hope so.

I also wonder how Joelemite is doing. Crazy fucker.

I hate these fucking reports!!!!!! ARRGGHGGHGH!!!!!!!! If I had a gun . . . . . . I'd have to buy a new fucking computer.

I wonder how far out I have to make an appointment with Jeff Gogue? The guy's a fucking prophet for his craft.

I'm tired.

I wish I knew how to weld.

I wish I had time and money to dump into the Olds.

I wonder if I should dump the Olds and get a pickup? I need a fucking pickup. I'm so sick of having to borrow them. Especially when I have to be grateful to drive some POS with touchy brakes and windows that don't roll up. I hate fucking borrowing shit.

I wonder if I should have majored in art instead of advertising? Probably would still be a parts driver if I did.

I hope it's not slick out.

I wanna' hear Janie Jones over and over.

I wonder when they're gonna' cut me loose.

I hope they don't.


At 12:25 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

How are you doing Red? You sound a little stir crazy, huh? I hope that you can be home with your family for the great-feast holiday.

I had a feast tonight of chips, chocolate, muffins, pizza and a glass of milk for good measure.


So I'm going to go brush my teeth now. I hope that you feel good just pondering life.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

heheheh, good to read you're eating nutritiously. A growing girl needs her milk!

Besides, pizza has a lots of healthy stuff in it.

yeah, getting a little crazy, but that was late at night and under a lot of stress. Unfortunately I'm hitting the WGAF stage. =/

At 1:02 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...


At 1:02 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...


why give a fuck


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