Friday, December 02, 2005

I'm Tired of this Shit

Oy. I cannot wait for this month to be over with.

I'm sitting here, the last one left in the building, working away on some shit that should have been handled a whole helluva' lot earlier. But as fate would have it, wires got crossed, balls got dropped and here I am, putting in the OT. It'd be different if it were my fault, but I actually think I'm blameless this time.

And I guess it'd be different if I could think differently about what I'm doing. I'm not doing anything worthwhile or notable or I guess even honorable. It's just what I do for money. I like everyone I work with, yet this doesn't fulfill me. Perhaps I'd feel differently if I were making good money and enough to provide for the missus and the girl on my own. But I'm not. So, again I wonder where the hell all this is headed. I can see the fucking ceiling and I'm not happy about it.

I'm tired. I'm horny. I have more fucking blood work coming up on Tuesday and I already know what the doctor will tell me on Friday. And that nagging worry about what I was told about my palm and shit is bugging me again.

Donde' es el Oso Negro ginebra?


At 11:03 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I'm sorry Red, I don't recall what the blood work might be for. And your palm?

Either way, I hope the ceiling is really plastic in disguise and that you'll be able to break through it with relative ease.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

oh, it's just cholesterol heart bullshit. but it still is annoying. =/

I have a feeling I'm going to have to make my own luck on this though. It's a good company, I just think the opportunity is lacking for the long run, as it is with any company. *sigh


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