Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here's to Keeping Your Mouth Shut

Oy, life has been busy still. And it's going to get busier yet. But that's okay.

You ever feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you know something's changed and while you'll miss the weight and the feeling of it, the relief is better?

Something that had been bugging me for almost a year had been bothering me. Sometimes it was worse than others because it really changed how I saw myself and how, if I went with my heart versus my head, it could potentially re-arrange lives. I thought it out on long drives home and in the dark when I tried to sleep. At times I thought I had kicked the feelings and then they'd come back, making me yearn even more something I knew I couldn't have and would regret going after.

There were times the temptation to say something to someone was there and as torturous as it was I kept my mouth shut, all but actually saying what it was.

But I kept my mouth shut. I dealt with it as internally as possible. Then something happened that was completely out of my control and gave me an insight into things. That insight, as slight as it was, changed everything. Things are clearer. And that nagging feeling that dogged me for so damn long is gone. And because I thought more before I spoke I didn't wreck anything.

It feels good.


At 6:59 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

You have better self-control than I. ALthough your posts are quite interesting, they're also quite MYSTERIOUS! :)
Hope your day's going great.

At 8:03 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

BTW, been meaning to answer your question, just kept forgetting.... I have a rose on my left ankle, a scorpion on my right one, and 2 little hearts on my left earlobe. I'm not telling what/where the 4th is. Nothing exotic & not in a gross place, it's just a secret. :)

At 7:23 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

ooooooooooo! secret tattoos are the best! =)

I haven't seen hearts on the ear lobe before. you must of had to sit really still for that!

did the buzzing of the hot needle tickle your ear drums?

At 9:28 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Red, your post has got me quite interested in what that weight was. I'm drawing conclusions as I type... but I'm glad that the weight is gone and assume for the best!

At 1:09 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

thanks, dont. =)


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