Friday, April 07, 2006

Hell No, I Ain't Happy

Ah fuck.

What a week. You ever just feel like you're fighting the whole damn time and you finally make some headway and then end up fighting again? I'm just tired of it. My big stress is more or less put to bed. I edit (read as write damn near every fucking article for) a magazine for a local cruise. The group that are organizing it are a great group of people. They work hard, want to have a good time and have big hearts. However, they're weren't happy with the fact I didn't make it to all the meetings they had (didn't know it was required). In the end there was a big fight and someone quit. It's just not worth it. They want me to do it next year but if some members feel I'm part of the problems they had in the past, it isn't good. And they need the person who quit. I'm sad it ended like that.

Then there's work. Everytime I feel like I'm gaining some ground something changes and I end up back at square one. Plans are being made without my involvement unintentionally, but it's getting old just the same. I'm sitting here scratching my head wondering if the promotion was worth it.

And I think I pissed off the missus but I don't know how and she's the last person I want to fight with.

I'm just tired. If my confidant were available I wouldn't be writing a tired, whiny-ass post. Life isn't horrible. I'm just tired of fighting, that's all. I want to go lay in the grass and take a nap in the sun or something.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I looooooooove taking a nap in the sun. Only I don't sleep. I don't trust the people around me in the world enough to do that.

BUT I do laze about. That was the best part of being self employed last year. I laid out on the big blanket while Violet played and napped under the evergreen.

So now that it's been winter for about eight months you can imagine I'm feeling just like you are Red!

At 6:13 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

Where I grew up you could just go for a walk and lay down under a juniper and nap for hours. I wish I had done that more often. =/

At 10:08 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

I'm not used to you being so open, so I have to admit I'm glad your confidant wasn't available. Gave me a little more insight... Not a whole lot, but a little.
Pick some flowers for Mrs. RHS on the way home. That should make her smile. Unless you're in big trouble, then you better bring home a diamond :)

At 7:29 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

red, you sound like a character out of hemingway's stories!


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