Monday, April 03, 2006

Well, . . . .

I'm tired you guys. Real tired. If I can make it through Thursday I'll be alright.

My fucking eyes hurt and my head hurts and I'm just fucking tired. If I were marching home I'd stop and sleep in the cold snow. But I'm not and there's no snow.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...


Our snow has been rained away.

The rain the other day had some heavy snot balls though (sleet mixed). I thought, "god is throwing spitballs at us!"

At 9:16 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

Thanks for the compliment, R. Thing is, though, God forbid we were ever invaded, I have a hiding place for my collectables--in my fat rolls, which are a little more substantial than the "curves" you were referring to. Though curvy does sound nice...
Hang in there--u can make it!

At 3:42 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

Ah hell, cant, yoiu're crazy. And at the risk of sounding like pervo internet guy the only way I'd believe that is if you posted a more recent picture. Not to sound like a dick, but you're full of shit! ;) I'm a bonafide fat asshole so I know what it looks like. You, my dear, unless you've lost 2 feet in height, probably still look pretty hot.

dont, I'm so glad I don't live there. it's spring!!! You shouldn't still be getting sleet!!! Well, never mind, I know where you live. But still . . . =)

At 7:42 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

red, how do you feel with cant and dont as your blog-friends'-names?

do you need can and able and will too?

just curious. i think think it's hilarious how you have picked up a cant and a dont ... that's all.

and i've successfully given my headache an ache.

At 5:48 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

Have to admit I didn't notice that, dont. It IS quite funny!!!!!
How about a won't or a didn't???

At 6:48 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

you two crack me up! lol! Seriously, it was just the thing I needed this morning. =D

And hell, I wouldn't have it any other way. =)


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