Thursday, May 25, 2006

That's Fucking Disgusting.

So I work in a professional-ish office building, which means, for the most part, the people are clean and should do things like wash their hands. We're talking in theory. Honestly, in a lot of ways the bathroom at the Toyota dealership I worked at was cleaner. Or at least I didn't feel like I needed to wash my ass directly after taking a shit.

The new thing is someone is leaving little black pubic hairs on the toilet seat. I don't know how people can flush the toilet, look down and not think, "Gee, I wonder if I should brush those into the toilet real quickly?" No. They don't. Instead, it's probably more like' "Watch this! Someone is going to be carrying my DNA on their ass!" or "I OWN this toilet."

Yesterday, someone decided to leave ass lint on the back of the toilet too. That's just fucking disgusting. Why in the hell would you leave ass lint? Why not just piss all over the fucking toilet seat while you're at it?

Finally, there's some guy with his guts rotting out or something. Nice enough guy, however, everytime he takes a dump and you lift the seat to take a piss, it looks like someone detonated a diarrhea bomb in the toilet. Everyday, he does this. His asshole must be raw! I just wish he'd change his diet.

Now the goal is to change my schedule. I'm hoping to get it set so I don't have seat the throne until I get home. I'm trying to slowly push back an hour a week. I'm hoping at the end of five weeks I'll be able to wait until I get home. At least there, I know who is doing the disgusting stuff.


At 10:26 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

oh no! They only have one stall?

Don't spend time fantasizing about going in the women's bathroom, they're just as bad.

I can't sit down anywhere but home, without layering the seat in toilet paper.

Pro: I never wind up in a stall with no paper.

Con: I take forever making my little seat cover. So everyone always thinks I'm pooping in there.

Leave a can of lysol, some clorox wipes and air freshener in there... maybe he'll get the hint!

At 8:10 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

re: women's bathrooms: yeah, I actually worked a track and field facility during college and found that out. There's some nasty shit, like tampons being tossed into a whole in the wall.

ooh- if they think yoiu're always pooping do they send IBS info packets and stuff? =D

At 8:15 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I don't know about the IBS stuff. There's another thing you can do, have that stuff sent to the pooper in your office!

Sign him up online and then delete all your temp files and cookies.


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