Monday, October 02, 2006

In 3's? I Sure As Hell Hope So.

Aye. Will this shit ever end?

Friday was suppposed to be happy. The missus and I were going to sign our lives away on yet another piece property. I had been joking that I was now a land baron.

But guess what?

The fucking mortgage guy fucked up the paperwork. We couldn't close on Friday. And now I look just like that sonofabitch that's been fucking with my life. DAMMIT!!!!! When will this shit end?

The missus is worried we've done something bad. But thinking about it, if bad things happen in 3's, then that should be the end of it.

First was the fucker not giving the appraiser the earnest money agreement. He's such a fuck. A fucking conniving sack of fuckshit.

Second could be one of two things or the combination of both. Either way it boils down to them not being able to get their fucking shit together for the mortgage and having it fall apart in the final hour.

So, then this would be the third, right?

To top it off, I got to spend my morning cleaning cat piss off my monitor. The fucking cat (who knows which one it was) also managed to piss on my nice, comfy, expensive (expensive to me!) headphones.

Fucking shit.


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said...

And the cat isn't dead?

At 11:47 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Hey! The cat is just seeking attention, it needs more of it!

LOL: A fucking conniving sack of fuckshit
I may have to use that one sometimes.

Deep breath. It will happen.


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