Friday, June 09, 2006

Confession Time

Since there are only really two people who read this thing, I feel fairly safe in confiding these things.

- I enjoy Golden Girls re-runs. Liked 'em when they were fresh, still like 'em now. And Betty White was so much hotter than Rue McClanahan.

- I regret not finishing my minor.

- I still think about an old friend I haven't spoken to or seen in over 10 years, yet every once in a while I Google her name, or her name as I knew it.

- I'm afraid of shit I can't control.

- When I'm stressed I'll buy a pack of smokes.

- I'm jealous of my brother, who can work on cars, tool leather, break horses and do anything else that catches his interest.

- I'm envious of people who can just throw it all away and carve their own path.

- I lie. Not a lot. But sometimes.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

LOL on the GG. I watched them when I was a kid, living in NE.

Fuck college.

Does your missus know about your feelings of lost-friendship? I would hope she does; if this woman came back into your life and she didn't know about it, it could go badly.

You're stronger than you give yourself credit for. You can't control anything with your baby ---- and you love her dearly.

When I feel weak I binge on potato chips.

Be proud of your unique talents in life. Admire your brother and learn from him.

It's scary shit!

I lie to people I don't know if it gets them outta my hair. But I don't lie to friends and family - I respect myself too much to do that.

I hope this was solicited "advice"?!?!?!?!


At 1:35 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

who doesn't love the GGs? Nebraska, huh? what was that like? Went to Cheyenne for the big rodeo and looking out over the plains it looked like a sea of land.

Amen, college sucks. It guarantees jack shit and all those high school counselors who push college onto kids ought to be fucking slapped.

Nope, sheo don't. Too much pain and insecurity involved there and there's no chance of her coming back in.

I don't doubt it's scary shit! Speaks to your courage though.

I lie to people to save their feelings. It's fucked up, but I do it. Not often, but sometimes.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

well red, if you lie to me to spare my feelings you're just ... i don't have any witty slams in my mind right now.

oh, i have another thought i meant to tell you. i don't recall why exactly but know the thought for sure:

you write very well. great spelling, punctuation, articulated thoughts. i appreciate it.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger The RHS said...

oh dont, I don't have anything to lie to you about!

And thank you for the compliment. I try to write well. I can see from your writings that you strive for the same as well.

And really, that is a good poem you wrote. I've read it several times now and you did a great job of evoking a feeling without hammering it into the ground. Not over-written, accessible, so unlike a lot of the stuff you find around these days. Good job! =)

At 10:36 PM, Blogger dont eat the token said...


At 12:09 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

I see I missed your question about the McD DVD:

you rent it for a dollar and have to return it the next day. if you don't you're charged a dollar for every day it's late (on your credit card - no cash rentals) until 30 days is up "then it's yours to keep"

At 8:28 AM, Blogger cantellya said...

I've done that too-google old friends' names. Sadly, nothing came of it.
I prefer Andy Griffith re-runs :)

At 8:22 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Happy Fourth!


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