The End Is Near
Alright, I've had about enough.
I've been waging my own personal pissing match against blogger (which doesn't affect them at all, but I'm one of those pissing in the wind type of people, so anyways) and trying to get them to take me off of the Admin for a blog. I've asked them in emails, saying if not I would take my business elsewhere. I've not been blogging, passing all these wonderful posts up that come to me as I drive through God's country, out of pride and will.
O! the posts I would've had! I would have shared with you the secret of life! You would now know some of my darkest secrets. I could have told you about giant golden eagles and bald eagles and swans and of all the wonders of the homeland! I would have regaled you with the misadventures of my life and of the craziness that it has become. And the splendid beauty - oh the spledid beauty I've seen in the simplest of objects.
But no.
My pride and Google/bloggers unhelpfulness have soured me on this. They keep pointing me to unhelpful FAQs and forums where, allegedly, some super-helpful person of the blogger staff (of the blogger staff!) is supposed to help answer questions and solve problems like mine. But to no avail. All I found was misinformation and more people like me wanting to have their permanent Admin status removed from a blog. Sounds like a reasonable request. But they these people act we're all asking for the fucking moon.
So, my pissing match goes on. Sort of. I read a blogger blog that's made me hopeful. They saved all their posts, started a WordPress blog and then uploaded them all to that. So, since blogger has shown me they could really give a flying fuck where I do my blogging, I guess it's off I go to WordPress.
And if it don't work out?
I don't know.
Labels: why blogger sucks