Friday, June 09, 2006

Confession Time

Since there are only really two people who read this thing, I feel fairly safe in confiding these things.

- I enjoy Golden Girls re-runs. Liked 'em when they were fresh, still like 'em now. And Betty White was so much hotter than Rue McClanahan.

- I regret not finishing my minor.

- I still think about an old friend I haven't spoken to or seen in over 10 years, yet every once in a while I Google her name, or her name as I knew it.

- I'm afraid of shit I can't control.

- When I'm stressed I'll buy a pack of smokes.

- I'm jealous of my brother, who can work on cars, tool leather, break horses and do anything else that catches his interest.

- I'm envious of people who can just throw it all away and carve their own path.

- I lie. Not a lot. But sometimes.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


You just get the feeling all this will wash away. Our comfort, our un-ending days of technology and promise, here forever, taken away in a furious storm of uncertainty and faith that will crush the infratstructure. No matter how hard you fight it, it will come and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. Though it's our fight, we'll take it individually, tackling our problems individually before taking arms to fight them together.

We've allowed the infrastructure to make us weak. Now they'll come in and finish the job.