Thursday, September 22, 2005


Well, it's going to be one of those days. I'm tired, lack focus and have a case of the fukets. It's going to be a long day.

Then I have a friend who's been quoting Belinda Carlisle. I'm worried about her. If she's taking advice from the 80's pop then she needs help. Or some new CDs.

Pedro keeps running, though we're thinking of trading him on something else that's mechanically better. But this morning I was looking at the Jinx as I was backing out of my driveway and just kept thinking even if it's not my dream ride, it's still pretty sweet. In the morning dew the paint has an almost flat black finish and the chrome trim pops. If the ass-end was dagoed and the front end about 2 inches lower, with all the rust spots gone and the few door dings filled, it'd be a mean motherfuckin' machine. I still want an old 47 out of Montana though. The Jinx will always require the most expensive fuel to run it, plus it gets shitty gas mileage. The 47, still a bit of a pig, but a more manageable one. I don't know. Sometimes I'm ready to dump the Jinx and then mornings like these I'm ready to put it up on jackstands and see what I can do.

When you have time, you don't have money. When you have money, you don't have time.


At 8:19 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Damn, well said.

When you have time, you don't have money. When you have money, you don't have time.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

aye, they might be profound. they still might be profound. But, den, dear, well, never mind.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger The RHS said...

thanks, dont! =)


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