Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Keyboard Saga: Mission Accomplished!

That's right. Today when I banged the keyboard against my desk very little crap fell out. I think I won the battle. Sure, there was still a little bit that fell out, but nothing like the dander, pubes, eye-lashes and other un-recognizable crap from the previous days.

Most of the gunk is scraped off the keys. However, now I wash my hands everytime I get up from my desk- whether I need to or not. I did a Lysol wipe the other day but they still feel a little tacky. Could be from the Lysol, but I bet it's from the gunk and thousands of germs and crap that are stuck to the keys.

But for now, I've won. I might keep up on the occasional cleaning with Lysol, but outside that and a regular keyboard banging I think the worst of it is gone.

An interesting side note- now almost everyone in the company is worried about keyboard cleanliness. I hear people blowing and bangin on their keyboards all day long now!


At 12:44 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

awesome influence you have started!

now get everyone to cough into their shirtsleeve and NOT PICK THEIR NOSE AT THEIR DESK!

sorry, flashback to my last training position.


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