Thursday, September 15, 2005

Why the Hell . . . .

. . . . is Adam Carolla famous?

Seriously. I try to watch his show and barely interesting. Once in a while he'll say something funny, but honestly he's no funnier than the people I work with I don't have to pay for a channel to listen to their shit! I actually get paid to hang out with them. But Carolla- what the fuck?

Yeah, I know he did a popular sex-talk radio show back in the day. But you know what? He wasn't funny back then either. Little Doctor Drew was funnier than Carolla, plus he knew shit about STDs and junk. But Carolla, all he has is a mono-brow and a big mouth. He looks like a fuckin' Muppet. Not one of the ones that you remember but one of the ones they scavenged other Muppet bits from to create a new Muppet every week.

It's bad enough the Comedy Channel thinks he's worthy of a talk-type show, but now TLC is giving him one too. What the fuck? What the hell we going to learn from him? How to be fucking annoying? What I'd really like to know is how he got so far ahead in the game.


At 12:46 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

okay, you get your rant. if you watch his show again, it's your own damn fault!

(yes, that unibrow is SO annoying, i can't handle them on girls or boys)


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