Friday, September 16, 2005

The Perfect Ending

Ah, thank god this friggin' week is over.

Today though was the perfect ending. Pedro actually started. Upgrade. I had a doctor's appointment. Down grade. The blood work came back not only saying that my triglyceride and good cholesterol levels weren't where they need to be. And now, thanks to the daily doses of aspirin and niacin, the ol' liver ain't doin' too hot either. So, it was recommended I cut my drinking in half- to no more than one beer a day.

It's not all as bad as that. It's just the shits to feel like you're an old man at 29. And one of the simple pleasures in life is becoming dangerous to your health.

I'm missing people too. I miss my brer. He's just fun to hang out with and I enjoyed hauling hay with him. I like the person he grew into being though I wish he knew how good he really is. I miss the tart. It's weird not having our lunch time chats, but at least I can keep tabs on her to a certain degree. But it doesn't keep me from worrying about her. I miss the squid too. I haven't talked to him in a long time and I miss visiting him on Whidbey. Sometimes life takes us in weird places and I guess not all the trails always meet up. I just hope he's happy.

It feels like I'm in Bob Dylan's Dream. I know I'll see my brother again, perhaps in October. I hope to meet the tart in person someday, but if not it's been nice knowing for the time that I get to. And I'll call the squid again this weekend, leave a message on his answering machine saying hello and hope we get to have another night of beer drinking.

Tonight I'm supposed to go to a hockey game with some guys from work, and I know I need to. But I don't want to at this very second, though I don't want to go home either. I just want to go park somewhere, smoke cigarettes (though I'm not a smoker) and think about the people I've met and what they're all doing.

The weather report- lingering dark clouds, but I know why they're around which is nice for a change.


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