Thursday, September 15, 2005

Thursdays can be Mondays

Oh, the joys of automobiles. On one hand they make it so I can travel to a job outside my community (well, my road) and on the other hand totally fuck up a quick lunch break errand.

So, Pedro is out of commission on account of not wanting to start when the temperature drops below 70 degrees. Fine, whatever. Be that way, prick. So I'm driving Blue. In an attempt to get better performance, I used an old-school trick to increase air-flow to the carburator by turning the air cleaner lid upside down and exposing about an 1/2 inch section of air filter. The screw that holds the nut on wasn't as long as I would have liked it to be, but the nut was holding it on. Until today.

An old pickup shakes and shimmies alot, especially when you have a dumb fucker like working on it. Anyways, while I was going down the road, I felt something crazy bang along the bottom of the floorboards and all of sudden Blue is acting funny. I get to where I was going to get the dog food and sure as shit the fucking nut fell off. As did the air cleaner. Which then knocked a house out of the valve cover. Which then ripped a grommet in half that was holding the hose inside the valve cover. Mother fucker.

So, I'm sitting in the Petco parking lot, hood up on my rusted heap, looking classy as fuck in my undershirt trying to McGuyver my way out of this situation. With a rag I used to wipe the moisture off the inside of the windows (on account I have no heater core for defrosting them) and a sandwich baggy, I managed to jerry-rig the fucker back together. Looks like my old Okie roots came through on this one. I would've done a lot better of a job if I'd had some baling wire.

Now, as 5 o'clock approaches, I'm hoping I can limp Blue home without a lot of trouble. I wanted to stop and take some pics on the way home to send to the tart, but I guess that won't be happening. And I know I won't make it to NAPA in time to get the parts. So it looks like I have another weekend project.

The one good thing about the Jinx. Since it doesn't run it can't break down!


At 12:48 AM, Blogger dont eat the token said...

Yeah, I like, totally broke a nail the other day.


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