On Mullets
" . . . go to the barber and tell him you don't want to look like an asshole anymore." Wesley Willis, Cut the Mullet.
Surely it gets worse than this.
" . . . go to the barber and tell him you don't want to look like an asshole anymore." Wesley Willis, Cut the Mullet.
Usually, at least around here, on the freeways and highways and little one-way streets when you see a bumper sticker stuck on a vehicle it's usually more of a public declaration of their politics or religious views.
I'm tired and ready to go home. The clouds are starting to fill in the blue and cover the sun and I really want to go for a drive but I don't know where I'd drive to let alone have the time to get behind the wheel and head somewhere I really feel like going. But maybe someday soon I'll just steal a day for myself and go somewhere that've I've never been before on a road I've never been on before and eat at a cafe I've never seen or get a piece of jerky and a raspberry ice tea from a little run-down corner market I've never spent money at that sells porno mags behind the counter that I've never read or oggled before for a day I'll never have again. I can hear the clock ticking through the constant ringing in my ears.
Well, assuming I don't sell the Jinx between now and Saturday, which is likely since there's not even a For Sale sign on the windshield, I'm hoping maybe to get some time to wrench on the bastard. Blue has been using its battery so it should have lots of turn and now I'll be able to trace down the problem.
My brer (who is younger, but not by a whole helluva' lot) once told me he regrets turning something he enjoyed into his profession. He said after a while it just becomes a job and you end up hating it. He used to enjoy tinkering with cars and now he hates it. He hates dealing with cars and problems and the people associated with them.
Somewhere over the hill the sun is shining on a run down old shack surrounded by sage brush. Next to the gray structure is an old Chevrolet, slowly giving way to the elements. It's not a shell; the seats, glass, engine, transmission and everything else that makes an automobile an automobile are still there. Rats, birds and anything else that can make a home in the old car have and continue to do so. The straight six is covered with bits of grass stems, rat shit and the stuffing from the worn out bench seats. The window seals are cracked and worn from the glowering sun and vicious winters. But it will sit there, in silence, very slowly disappearing into the soil, un-aided by the salt and months of rain that fall in other places.
Alright, so I'm trying to chase away the clouds by thinking about shit that makes me luckier than all the other bastards in the world. One of them has to be the joy of driving Blue.
Okay, maybe this whole germ-a-phobic thing is getting out of control. But in my opinion, this is flat-out fucking disgusting.
Yeah, it's turning out to be a typical Monday morning occurence now. Pedro, covered in frost, won't start. Fuck. Looks like it's time to put this pony down, or sell it to my old man or someone else who just needs a run-about to get 'em to the store and back.
I don't know if it's this time of year or maybe just Fridays in general, but I've been thinking a lot about old friends that have came and went in my life. It's not like anything happened. Time passed and our path's just haven't crossed again.
Well, this is an old story, but it's back in the news again because the investigation is all over. This is why you don't make an ass out of yourself in the Beaver States, fools!
Friday could not come soon e-fucking-nough. I have had enough of this shit for a week. And it hasn't been a bad week, I'm just one of those assholes that lives for Friday after work I guess. I could take a nap right now. Instead of coming to work I almost stopped and took pictures of ignorant shit I've always wanted to take pictures of.
Don't get your palm read unless you're really ready to hear what the lady says.
Well, it's going to be one of those days. I'm tired, lack focus and have a case of the fukets. It's going to be a long day.
What a weird day and it's not even over yet. Not bad weird, good weird.
So, this morning I made a monumental mistake. A member of my team showed me how to pop the keys off of my keyboard. Damn it. Now that I know how much crap is still stuck under there I don't think I'll ever be content. Not until I take every fucking key off of the keyboard at the same time, use Q-Tips and rubbing alcohol to clean everything down and then re-assemble the friggin' thing.
"The blood stays on the blade." yeah, I just watched the Gangs of New York. I'm a bit behind on my movie watching. Don't know what kind of situation i'd be in to say it though.
Okay, so this was something I didn't expect to find. And it's fairly current too. According to this article from Wales, boyo is a racist term.
A word to the wise-
This weekend I read on op-ed piece by a gentleman, Michael Rooke-Ley, declaring Charlie Rangle's draft was just the thing the US needed to not only shore up it's thinning military enlistment but also as a solution to the problems between the wealthy and poor as well as the blacks and the whites. Maybe it would ease tensions between urban dwellers and suburbanites. But the cost would be on rural Americans' shoulders.
Ah, thank god this friggin' week is over.
Oh, the joys of automobiles. On one hand they make it so I can travel to a job outside my community (well, my road) and on the other hand totally fuck up a quick lunch break errand.
. . . . is Adam Carolla famous?
That's right. Today when I banged the keyboard against my desk very little crap fell out. I think I won the battle. Sure, there was still a little bit that fell out, but nothing like the dander, pubes, eye-lashes and other un-recognizable crap from the previous days.
I know and to a degree appreciate the whole auto makers taking "retro" styling cues, but instead of trying to make a knock-off of an old ride why not just make the new designs cooler?
Ahh, how I miss the days of September from when I was still a kid. Nothing felt more optimistic than a stack of fresh notebooks, un-sharpened pencils and the feel of new, unwashed clothes. Every year I'd make the same promises to study hard, get all my homework done as soon as I got home (or on Friday night so I wouldn't have it hanging over my head all weekend) and to drag my ass out of bed so I wasn't having to run for the bus or late for my first class. By the end of September I was back to all my old habits. I studied hard, but in front of the TV. I'd get my homework done, but it was always after practice and dinner, meaning I rarely went to bed before 10 or 11. And Sunday nights- those were spent catching up from procrastinating. I still was always dashing for the bus or hauling ass down the highway trying not to be late for school.
So I've got most of the crap scraped off the keys. But I still feel like I need a shower after I type anything and eating at my desk has stopped.
Alright, I only know of one person who's actually read this damn thing, and if you want to know which movie to watch and which sucks check her out (though the whole damn thing is pretty entertaining), but here's the question I post to all you anonymous passer-byers:
Now, this isn't supposed to be one of those Eeyore (you know, that mopey-ass donkey from Winnie the Pooh), poor me type of posts. But, inevitably, it will sound like one.
I just banged my keyboard against my desk and what looks like a scab fell out. I think I need to go wash my hands.
A word to the wise: don't spill coffee in your keyboard. If you do, you'll have to get one and you don't know who used it last.
Just about when you think everything is going to be alright, it seems like something you've either neglected or ignored jumps up to bite you in the ass. Yes, I'm speaking of my dear, loyal car, Pedro. The little fucker just wouldn't start. Again.
So, is it a bad sign when the company safety guy comes down and starts talking about various dangers, brings up the subject of bomb threats and disgruntled employees with guns and everyone turns and looks at you?
Seeing the images of people stealing stuff after Katrina hit in New Orleans brought a lesson I heard over and over again while growing: if you're going to steal, steal big.
While I was getting ready for work this morning I heard something on the news that made me stop and watch the TV.
Black clouds still lingering. But instead of feeling low yesterday I felt more like laughing and breaking shit. Coming down from it today, but what the fuck.
"Huh?" you ask.
Do you idiots even read this damn thing? Seriously.
You know what is really, really irritating? When you think someone is actually reading your bullshit and they're actually doing is spamming your comments. Yeah, fuckers, I'll check out your loans or pills or mattresses or whatever the fuck else you're trying to pawn. capestone, joe powell, you guys can go screw yourselves. Dickheads.
Hey! Do you know how annoying it is when you hit the "next" button on blogger only to get to a blog that doesn't have it so you have to hit back on your browser just to get out of your artsy fartsy design dealy-o? Really fucking annoying, that's how annoying!
Right now the TV commercial I hate most has to be the one for Lipton green tea. You know, the one that starts off with the buddhist monks (how trendy!) humming and meditating and then goes on to show various people closing their eyes, humming along to "mmm mm m m m-mm" (I know it's some sort of classic pop song from when my parents were young but I can't think of the name to save my friggin' life) and then drinking some Lipton green tea.
Ahh, how I miss the stories last year that seemed to have the nation panicked about bears and cougars and other large, people-eating types of animals.
Yeah, yeah, yeah I know everyone who knows how to type is blogging about the Mississippi and New Orleans. It's a damned travesty and made worse by the fact the Feds couldn't get their poop in a group and get the damn thing handled.
I know people hate it when the grass farmers burn their fields, and, the missus having asthma, I'm not so keen on it either. The smoke creeps down the valley and it just fills the sky with a copperish haze.However, I also understand why they do it, unlike some people here in the Emerald Empire. It's the most efficient method of clearing the stubble from the field and returning the nutrients to the soil. Honestly, I much prefer field burning to them using fertilizer. Our water table isn't all that far down, plus, you take into consideration fert runs into the rivers, it can get even worse.The other thing I think we forget is this valley hasn't always been so free from smoke. Before the white man treked West and put up roots around here, local Indians would burn the valley floor every year, hence the reason there's no old growth timber. By burning the tall grass, they, like the "evil" farmers, were returning the nutrients to the soil to produce next spring's crop of grass for wild game to eat. Some people say it was so the Kalpuya could see their enemies better, but I imagine they realized the potential for game more. For some reason game animals prefer grass and seed to trees. Go figure.So is there a solution? Bailing up straw seems to help some, but there's little profit motive for it, and they'll probably have to resort to fertilizer. Tilling it under returns the stubble back to the earth, but I don't know if it's as effective as burning. And of course, there's always the extremem element in this area that would prefer we hang all farmers unless said farmers grow what they want to eat or smoke.So, no. People will still bitch. That is the nature of people. Fuck 'em or fight 'em, you aren't going to please even 50% of the people 10% of the time.
Well, they feel like they're here stay a bit longer. And when they're not darkening things, they unleash angry storms that make no sense. But maybe this'll help.